Courage to Leap
Shamanic & Reiki Guided Healing
Animal Reiki I & II
2 Day Class - 4-5 hrs. per day
Service Description
Animal Reiki I & II are taught together during a two-day class and includes two Animal Reiki Placements (attunements). Animal Reiki energy received in this course is its own energy. It is a different energy source than human reiki. The placement given in the class will attune and unify the Animal Reiki energy with your existing Reiki energy and symbols. This course also includes practitioner skills, tools, and techniques and is open to all lineages. The information and techniques for both levels include: • The history of ICRT Animal Reiki. • An Usui Reiki symbols refresher. • The Animal Reiki symbol—The Tree of Life. • Animal Reiki I & II Placements. • Animal Reiki techniques for in-person and distant sessions, including preparation exercises and healing technique meditations: Animal Reiki Grounding Exercise, Whole Body Awareness Exercise, Divine Animal Circle Healing Technique, Healing Compassion Fatigue, and Animal Grief Healing Meditation. • Discussion on giving Animal Reiki full sessions in person or live online, including session preparation, receiving the animal’s consent for Reiki, various Animal Reiki session environments, and developing your own Animal Reiki style. • Review of common healing issues for animals, including disharmony, unfulfilled purpose, loneliness, grief, confusion, illness, compassion fatigue, end of life, animals and children, and behavioral problems. • Distant Animal Reiki techniques for single animals or groups, candidates for distant Reiki, and how to use photos, written notes, or live webcams for distant sessions. • How to give Reiki to many species of animals. • Balancing empathy and compassion, compassion fatigue and practitioner self-care, and end-of-life support, whether natural death or compassionate euthanasia. • Practice time working with animals in person or online. • Review of how to create a thriving Animal Reiki practice, including in the formal or professional environments of veterinary offices, zoos or wildlife rehab facilities, animal shelters, therapy animal organizations, animal sanctuaries, and ways you might use Reiki in these settings. • The ICRT Animal Reiki I & II Manual, authored by Colleen Benelli, Sioux Strong, Robyn Benelli, and Pamela Allen-LeBlanc. • A class certificate. This class is open to all Reiki lineages and belief systems with animal relationship, but you must be Reiki Level 1 & 2 to register.
Cancellation Policy
To cancel or reschedule, please contact us at least 24 hrs. in advance. Thank You!
Contact Details
Ph. (208) 309-3620
East Fork Road, Hailey, ID, USA